Changi International Airport Singapore

About this project

Changi International Airport, Singapore

NACO is honoured to have worked with the iconic Changi International Airport in Singapore to provide an industry zone detailed masterplan, that will help facilitate the airports expansion as it grows to meet the demands of rising passenger and cargo numbers.

Known for having the tallest indoor waterfall within its footprint, Changi International Airport is one of the largest transportation hubs in Asia and is regularly listed as one of the busiest airports in the world. When the airport set about planning and developing a second midfield area between its second and third planned runway, there was an opportunity to efficiently restructure the existing and new Industry Zones, consisting of cargo handling facilities, maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) facilities and support facilities.

Accommodating capacity whilst maintaining connecting times

NACO was approached to carry out the production of this masterplan. The challenge lay in the need to guarantee sufficient cargo and MRO capacity while simultaneously guaranteeing minimum connecting times between the two midfield areas. All of this was with the aim of increasing the airport’s competitiveness.

A further challenge in the production of the masterplan would be to take into account the capacity requirements of both landside and airside, as well as different security and customs regimes – none of which were easy tasks considering the separated areas and connection requirements.

Working collaboratively with stakeholders to deliver results

NACO led this project by engaging and collaborating with numerous stakeholders – including cargo handlers, express carriers, airlines, MRO service providers and Singapore’s authorities – to produce three masterplans. Flexibility was one of the key parameters in each plan. With uncertainty around the growth rate of MRO and cargo, there was a need for flexibility to interchange functions, accelerate, or postpone (re)developments.

From three plans, NACO established critical selection criteria – again in collaboration with the client and stakeholders. The result was the selection of a single masterplan that met the needs and was supported by all stakeholders – providing Changi International Airport with the confidence to progress with development, safe in the knowledge that their facilities will be able to expand and grow to meet demand.
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